Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Opey Cunningham

Remember Opey from Andy Griffith?  

My Alexander is the cutest little red head you will ever have the pleasure to meet. 

His smile is dynamic. He actually looks a lot like Opey.

He loves sports, any kind of sport, but he's especially talented in the game of tennis. 
.In fact, if your visiting us and hear thump. thump. thump

Rest assured it's not a peg-legged pirate or Opey Cunningham... it's Alexander practicing his forehand, backhand or grand slam against the sheet-rock in our garage.

Did someone mention Lego's?
Like most little boys his age he can build just about anything. 
His latest was an exact replica of the well known twin towers in New York which he saw briefly in the news one night during the week of 9-11 remembrance.
Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough with the camera.

He really enjoys playing the piano and has gotten quite majestic with musical tunes. In fact, he recently preformed for the Ladies and Gents of a local Music club in town. 
Once again I forgot my camera 
but trust me when I tell you,
He. Was. Great.
Of course... I am his Mother. 

Unfortunately, there is one thing that Alexander has not enjoyed so much...



Captain Underpants! 

This book is literally infectious and full of gross bathroom humor which has brought a giggling joy of reading into my reluctant reader.

It's cartoon featured pictures enhance good dirty jokes. It's a perfect noneducational and corny read that has kept my guy completely entertained. In my opinion, any child who is not interested in reading could truly benefit from this book therefore become engaged 
for hours - well into the night. 

With this book Alexander's confidence levels has greatly improved.
His ability to read fluently has become noticeably different.
Although, it's not the book I would have chosen but it's gotten the reading ball rolling
and really -
isn't that what's important?

Personally, for me,
it has been one of my greatest pleasures 
to yell at Alexander and tell him

Sweet dreams Opey Alexander.